There is seriously a huge epidemic of narcissism among women. If you look up the symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, you'll see that they describe 99% of women: wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_personality_disorder#DSM-5
> A grandiose sense of self-importance
Women often believe they're way better than they actually are, frequently overestimating their own abilities. They're entitled and demanding, and think the world revolves around them.
> Preoccupation with fantasies
Women often make up scenarios in their head, and sometimes confuse them with reality. Like when they get mad at their boyfriend for something that happened in her dream.
> Believing that they are "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people
Women obsess over social status, hence why they constantly chase it, and why their immediate go-to insults are based on social status (virgin, broke, ugly, nobody cares, etc.)
> Requiring excessive admiration
Constantly attention whoring, both on social media and IRL. Just take a look at what they do on facebook or instagram. It's all women's selfies. Shit, this entire board is dedicated to attention whores (let's be real here).
> A sense of entitlement
Women sure are entitled. And they sure do get mad when they don't get their way. Have you ever seen how a woman acts when she's rejected?
> Being interpersonally exploitative
Women manipulate people all the time. 99% of their gestures and behaviors are manipulative, if you pay attention.
Not to mention, them manipulating orbiters and profiting off of them. Even with their boyfriend, they'll still use tricks on him for their own personal gain.
> Lacking empathy
Women don't feel/understand empathy, they just emote and virtue signal toward whatever the social groups tells them to. Just look at how lacking in empathy women are when they see men facing a problem. They have a severe "deal with it" mentality. (but men are expected to care about women's issues)
They also only care about what benefits them personally in the moment.
> Often being envious of others
Women are constantly jealous.
> Showing arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
All the time. Thinking they're better than men, or that they don't need men for anything.
Women are so arrogant that the term "mid" is an insult towards them. Think about it, they're offended over the implication that they're NOT super high tier 10/10s. They're not even being called "below average" or "ugly" or anything. Just "you're normal" is an insult to them.