Today's rant is about single moms, contraceptives, lies, and baby trapping.
I often hear single moms say that they only have so many kids because the contraceptives failed. They assure everyone that they did use them, but I think they're lying. I think they not only didn't use protection, but that they neglected to use it on purpose, to trap the man.
First of all, I find it extremely unlikely that contraceptives would fail, multiple times, and all on the same person. It's a massive outlier. You don't see contraceptives "failing" multiple times when it's responsible stable couples.
secondly, the fact that she's a single mom from multiple men suggests she's irresponsible, and neglecting to use contraceptives is an irresponsible thing to do. It also suggests that she's the common factor in these "accidents".
Third, women often use the "baby trapping" strategy in order to get men to stay, especially wealthier or overall "better" men.
Women are very shallow, so they want a kid from a chad, but they know that chads only want casual sex (especially with low tier women like them).
Women are also very stupid, so they'll purposefully try to get pregnant by the chad in order to get them to stay, which never works, so she becomes a single mom.And since women are ultra mega retarded, she just repeats this strategy with multiple other men, not realizing that it doesn't work.
And then, to avoid accountability and social shame, she tells everyone (and herself) that the contraceptives "just failed".
There's also the strategy where women use casual sex as a "social lubricant" to try to get a relationship with a chad, but since, like I mentioned, they're stupid, they don't realize that the chad's only there for casual sex, not a relationship, so the plan fails. And since they're retarded, they just repeat the same strategy. Sound familiar?
They're also extremely arrogant, believing that their pussy will make the man change his mind, which is, again, retarded, because 1) her pussy likely isn't that good, and 2) the guy having casual sex multiple times per week can easily get pussy.
Fourth, women get EXTREMELY mad when you mention the concept of using multiple different contraceptives, which suggests that they're bullshitting about their contraceptives failing.
Women only get this level of mad when it's something that's true, like with roast beef pussy, bad female hygiene, etc.
In this case, they get super mad partially because you're offering a solution to their problem, which isn't actually a problem because they're doing it on purpose. They don't want the "problem" solved.
While I'm here, women absolutely HATE being given advice, because they enjoy reveling in their victimhood, so when you try to help them, it takes away their victim points, and so they get mad.
In conclusion, single moms are lying when they say their contraceptives failed. They just tried to get pregnant in order to score a chad, and now that the plan failed, they're lying in order to save face.