> why are you seething about it every day?
Because there is a large disparity in ease of life and how individuals are treated, between men and women. And it's unfair.
> like it’s biological. why be mad about it
Bad argument. Theft, murder, and rape are biological too, but that doesn't make them right.
> and blame women
They contribute at least 50% towards the issue. I also blame simps.
> there’s an incentive for it from a reproductive standpoint
Men have a reproductive incentive to rape all women, but that doesn't make it right. Again, that's a bad argument.
> men are just as hardwired to seek out helpless young women
Bullshit. Men prefer healthy women.
The idea that men are into helpless women is just a feminist victim fantasy about all the big bad men who just want to eat up all the women.
> jealous of ken for having done something with her unhappiness
Her "unhappiness" was practically fabricated, especially by herself. It's like shitting my pants, cleaning up, and telling others they're jealous of my clean clothes.
Not to mention how she was born highly advantaged but still partially squandered it.
> her life and personality are completely different for the better
She went from pretending to be le autismo loner to get attention, to now being a pretentious narcissist to get attention. Yeah great improvement.