> Contraceptives are very effective but still can mess up
This is true, but it doesn't explain why some couples don't have kids until they're ready, and some women become single moms of multiple kids.
What I'm saying is, there's clearly a difference here, to the point where I suspect the contraceptives themselves are not the issue.
> or the pull-out method accidentally getting pregnant
That's not an accident, that's just being fucking irresponsible. The pullout method is too unreliable to be trusted.
This is like when people say that condoms don't work, but they say it because they didn't bother to actually use them.
> Infanticide is murder.
No, no. Give me a specific time at which it turns from a "bundle of cells" to something you can't kill.
Is it 9 months in? 8 months? 5?
Exactly at what point during the pregnancy does it become murder?