I never said it’s something you can’t kill. It’s a living thing. It’s just not a human being yet, which requires sentience and sapience. This is a philosophical question, and as I said earlier, murder is a legal term. There’s no scientific answer to this. 
All I know is that 99% of abortions occur within the first few months of pregnancy, with the majority of those being within the first few weeks when the zygote is still basically just a few cells. Projecting consciousness into this is understandable but it’s not right or accurate in any way. The few abortions which happen outside of this timeframe are only performed when the mother’s life is at stake due to the pregnancy. 

Irresponsible people make the most accidents, no? Being irresponsible doesn’t make it not an accident. Plus like I said, most people practice the pull out method with no issue. Then 10 years later suddenly it is one. Can you blame them for thinking something that worked for so long would probably always work?