I just saw a discussion online about the concept of poor people having a ton of kids, so now I need to rant. Holy shit people are fucking retarded.
They keep bringing up the point about "education", but how much education would you really need here?
Do people need a master's degree to understand that sex makes kids?
Am I a 200 IQ genius for making the calculation that contraceptives are significantly cheaper than raising a child?
Should I contact Mensa because I immediately realize that any extra income from government aid due to having kids wouldn't be enough to offset the costs of raising them, and thus having more would just be a net negative on one's finances?
Or that, if you have trouble supporting yourself, having one more person to support would be even more of a strain on your waller?
Am I the stupid one for suggesting you should, if anything, invest your resources into raising one kid properly, instead of spreading them thin with multiple kids?
Am I an emotionless psychopath for recognizing that having multiple kids for the sake of social status isn't a worthwhile tradeoff when you're poor? Hey maybe put food on the table or pay your bills instead of trying to show off, fucking dumbass.
Not to mention how obsessing over social status is stupid in the first place.
Or how the idea that having multiple kids being a sign of wealth and prosperity is fucking stupid, since resources are plentiful (in modern first world countries).
OR, that they're thinking about this completely backwards, and it's people with resources who have kids, and that having kids when you're poor doesn't automatically mean you're wealthy or make it so you have resources.
OR that the concept of having kids purely to use them as social status "trophies" is a piece of shit thing to do. Same for using them as entertainment.
Do you need to be an expert Historian to notice that older generations of poor people having multiple kids isn't working out for them?

No seriously, tell me. Are people really THIS fucking retarded? Are most of modern society's problems coming from people just being fucking stupid?
Am I just being a cynical piece of shit here, or are all of these just EXTREMELY BASIC THINGS that can be fixed\averted fairly easily?