This is how fucking stupid people are:
1. There are people who don't understand the concept of saving money.
At the end of the month, after paying all their shit, they still have some money in their account, so they just waste it on dumb shit THEY DON'T EVEN NEED OR WANT, because they have some fucking stupid OCD type of thing with having any money left. Like it actively fucking bothers them to be not-poor.
2. There are people who don't understand the concept of a budget.
These people get payed at the start of the month, live like a king for a week, and then scrape by for the other 3 weeks.
It's like they don't have the mental ability to prepare for the future. Like they look at the big number of money and go "YAAAAAY IM RICH", and then they spend it and go"Awww I'm poor", but they don't make the fucking connection that THEY'RE THE ONES WHO SPENT THE MONEY.
3. There are people who don't understand the concept of buying in bulk.
I've had people get offended at me when they mention something's on sale, and I suggest they should buy multiples of them. And most of the time, people just tell me "Nah" and refuse to buy in bulk. WHY. YOU'RE LITERALLY LOSING MONEY YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKING RETARD.
It's like people have a fucking compulsion to be stupid and poor, it pisses me off.

I kinda feel bad for these people, I try to be empathetic, but it's really fucking hard to be sympathetic with people who repeatedly make the worst decisions again and again and again, and they absolutely refuse to listen to advice or change or do better, they just want to complain.