Unfortunately, outside of your echochamber people actually make conclusions on empirical evidence and not delusions. You claim women are less intelligent and more illogical with black and white thinking, meanwhile everything you say is based on cherrypicked social media screencaps and soyjak comics, not a single legitimate study. You insist your own personal view of the world is the only “real” one, exactly how you claim women would. You go on and on about men being the rational sex, the ones with nuance, the ones who really care about reason, all while basing your views entirely on your hyperfixations on subjective experience and memetic repetition. There’s a reason your instinct is to deflect and become defensive when asked for sources and can no longer rely on memes and strawmen. Guess what? The world does not consist of what you look at on image boards every single day to try to rationalize your own failures. 

>  A new study of over 300,000 people that spans 57 countries reveals women are, on average, more empathetic than males. Consistent across all age groups and most nationalities, women tend to score higher on tests of cognitive empathy, or “theory of mind” than males.
> There wasn't a single country in which men scored better, on average, than women.

> the strongest predictors of overestimating IQ were biological sex and then psychological gender. Being born male and having strong masculine traits were associated with an inflated intellectual self-image.
> There was also a strong contribution of general self-esteem to participants’ intellectual self-image. As noted above, males report higher self-esteem than females.
> Recent brain imaging studies show that a part of the brain that helps produce violence, called the amygdala, is larger in men than in women. Also, the frontal cortex (frontal lobes), which help to regulate impulses coming from the amygdala, is (are) more active in women.

> Nearly 99% of rapists are male. 

> Simply put, males commit much more crime than females. In UCR data, men comprise about 81 percent of all arrests for violent crime and about 63 percent of all arrests for property crime. (See Figure 8.3 “Gender and Arrest (Percentage of All Arrests)”.) In the NCVS, victims report that males commit most of the violent crimes they experienced, and self-report studies find that males far outpace females in the commission of serious street offenses.