> Perhaps many men are seeing how women have it hundreds if not thousands of times easier, and just figure it's easier to jerk off than to play a rigged game.
It is easier. But that's like saying it's easier to just step outside and eat grass than to make yourself a meal. Yeah it's easier but that doesn't really matter if you want longterm fulfillment. Not that I give a shit if someone wants to spend all day beating off or eating grass, I just stand to the side shaking my head. 

> Well, it kinda puts me in a tough situation where I've personally seen stuff that I've mentioned happening over and over, except I don't actually have the studies to back it up.
Large part of this is because most of what you see happens online, and the internet is not a good and accurate representation of humanity. Most of this consists of petty interpersonal dramas where EVERYONE is stupid, and online arguments. For every depressed man who hates women for whatever reason he swears are 100% scientific and real, you have just as many annoying women who hate men. That's life. I have indeed experienced plenty of what you described with with women, I've also experienced it with men, but the vast majority of my interactions with both women and men are fine and don't leave me angry about anything. Most people are just normal, in my experience, and when they're not, it doesn't have to do with their sex. I agree with you on the point that people see certain behaviors from women as acceptable that wouldn't be acceptable from men, but the same goes for stuff we do that women would be burnt at the stake for doing. Gender exists, we just gotta deal with it. IMO trying to be a decent person is the best thing you can do instead of fixating on what's fair or unfair like a child. 

> I have no personal emotional beefs with women. My beef is strictly ideological.
Ideology is influenced by environment, and this is where you get the other side of the coin with the insane types of feminists who say all men are rapists, they can only cite personal interactions and things they've seen as ""evidence"". All these very extreme, hardlined stances on huge percentages of the population come from somewhere, rarely is it from an objective point of view. That's not to imply you haven't actually experienced or seen what you say you have, quite the contrary, I think it's just unfairly tainted your view of what's literally half the world's population. You're over exposed to the worst of the worst, completely streamlined, and you intentionally seek it out as a way to kill time, entertain yourself, reinforce your perspective, and get high on rage. There really are a lot of huge problems that come in patterns with women, but I'll be damned if men don't also have their own awful fucked up patterns and reflexes, the fact that some of us do is why these insane women with their own extreme views on us exist. It's not rational for either side to fixate like this and see it as pathological and inherent to our respective sexes. 
