> Large part of this is because most of what you see happens online, and the internet is not a good and accurate representation of humanity. Most of this consists of petty interpersonal dramas where EVERYONE is stupid, and online arguments.
That's a very good point.
> but the vast majority of my interactions with both women and men are fine
That's not the case for me. Men are fine, but it's rare to see women acting normal.
Either I'm a cynical piece of shit, or you're missing\ignoring some bad things women do. Possibly both.
> Most people are just normal, in my experience, and when they're not, it doesn't have to do with their sex.
The thing is, it kinda becomes about their sex, when you start noticing a pattern.
> but the same goes for stuff we do that women would be burnt at the stake for doing
Please provide some examples, if you're able.
(For the record, male promiscuity is also looked down upon, with the exception of circles like college frats.)
Speaking of, I'm actually very very interested in hearing women's genuine complaints and issues. It kinda triggers a soft spot for me to hear that women are also having trouble, just like men are.
However, any time I try to listen, it's always some bullshit non issues that they very often brought upon themselves, and that they could easily fix, but refuse to.
> Gender exists, we just gotta deal with it. IMO trying to be a decent person is the best thing you can do instead of fixating on what's fair or unfair like a child.
While there is definitely some truth to this, it's a bad argument to make because nobody uses it when it's WOMEN being disadvantaged. When they're disadvantaged, the world needs to change to accommodate. When men are getting screwed over, they're just told to "man up", "life's not fair", "deal with it", etc. It's the disparity that's the problem.
> the other side of the coin with the insane types of feminists who say all men are rapists
I see what you're saying, but I find it that with feminists' complaints about men, it's almost always either a non issue, or women creating their own problems. Like women complaining about being "objectified" or that men only want them for sex.
But with men's complaints about women, that shit's real. Women really ARE hypergamous. Women really DO doge accountability, etc. Correct me if I'm wrong here.
> You're over exposed to the worst of the worst, completely streamlined, and you intentionally seek it out as a way to kill time, entertain yourself
This is also a very good point. But I'd like to point out that the urge to search for examples of women being shitty comes from witnessing women being shitty IRL over the years, and looking for confirmation that others are seeing it too.
> the most common explanation is that the woman is reacting to abuse from the man
This is the kind of thing I mean when I say "dodging accountability".
So they think that the woman is only abusive because the man is. They don't even CONSIDER the possibility that women are capable of wrong or evil.
Not to mention how you could just as easily argue that a man beating a woman is also just "reacting to abuse".
Speaking of, I recall a recent statistic that a large percentage of domestic violence is reciprocal.
And as a side tangent, I kinda believe it. I find it much easier to believe that maybe the "victim" is a bit provocative and the "abuser" takes it way too far, than to believe that the victim is just watching TV and the abuser just walks in the room and starts beating on them.
> This is not true, talk to women about their experiences and you'll learn that the ONLY reason they ever got/get bullied or harassed is for their looks.
I can believe they get bullied for their looks. But what I mean is that any woman will still get praised, no matter what they look like. It's like there's no "failure state" when it comes to women's looks.