That's what I'm asking too. CLEARLY those people were manipulative pieces of shit, but the "victims" still hung around them over and over.
And a corollary to that, it's been over 10 years and I still haven't gotten an answer as to why women stick with obviously abusive men, other than masochism.
I'm only insisting on this line of thought because 1) women act like huge victims when they could've seen this coming from a mile away, 2) women keep accusing innocent men of being abusive murderous rapists, 3) they'll break up with a man over some petty shit, but they won't break up with a guy who's clearly abusing them. 4) they have access to perfectly decent non-abusive men, but they go out of their way to pick the abusive ones.
There's gotta be something going on here, something that isn't being mentioned. Probably something that makes them look bad, hence the silence.