ok so first of all, sorry for the typos in my original post to you im super tired rn

> why dont they leave at first sign of abuse
they usually ration it out because of conflicting positive feelings they have about the person. abuse is cyclical which what makes it extremely difficult to leave.
> Incorrect. Your average normie girl will accuse an innocent unattractive man of "harassment" (or at least socially shame or look down upon him), while tolerating or encouraging ACTUAL unstable or violent behavior in chads.
so this first part about normie girls accusing innocent men of harassment is obviously super ideologically charged and since i cant be bothered to search for data to refute it and you haven't presented any i'm going to ignore it. this latter part is a bit more nuanced than your previous posts and calls for understanding. yes its true that women tolerate more BS from "chad" or guys that are handsome/richer. thats something women need to move away from. but men are guilty of the same thing, look at this orbiter culture. we're arguing with each other in the 11th thread of some girl simply because shes hot and hanged out in 4chan circles a few years ago. you'll say "kennnedi isnt doing anything bad to us, its not the same" first of all id point you to the orbiters who were scammed/abused by other girls who have threads on this website. secondly just because she isn't harming us doesn't mean we arent harming ourselves just by being here, we could be doing a billion other interesting and fulfilling things in our life but we're on endchan. the deceleration of our lives for the sake of a woman just cuz shes hot and smart is what im trying to tap into. faulting women for not embodying this homo economicus idea of perfect reason and rationality while ignoring all of the unhinged shit men are out here doing is so weird, its even stranger taken into kennedi's context
> have i heard stories of men dating women long term and when they open up they grow cold
yes, from redpill content creators. there are some women who are super shallow and will genuinely look down on you for not putting up a facade of hyper masculinity 24/7. try to filter them out, its easier than filtering out a potential abuser
> What do you mean "she didn't". Of course she did. It's not like everyone around her was abusive. 
honestly given the type of things anons are saying about her parents and about her cousin dying, as well as the fact she is diagnosed autistic and never went outside, its not hard for me to believe that she just latched onto this one guy when she was 16.
> If a woman dates an abusive man, it means she looked past the 99% of other men who AREN'T abusive.
 im inclined to just call you a redpill nutter again to think that every girl is just scanning through thousands of potential options daily. but in kens case it might be likely she was in contact with some of her orbiters, idk. like i said im new. beyond that though you already agreed that signs of abuse don't show up early on so how would she filter the abuser from the 99% other men.