> check the foreveralonewomen subreddit
The foreveralonewomen subreddit went private because they got TOO MUCH male attention. That's the exact worst example you could've possibly brought up.
Any time a woman is single, it's because she thinks she's too good for all the men who are showing interest.
> i know some girls irl that struggle to get anyones attention
Bullshit. Maybe they can't get attention from an 8/10+ man, but I guarantee you they could get someone within 24h. Tell them to show you their messages on social media and you'll see they definitely have options.
> youll just say its the girls fault
Someone getting manipulated by a charming abuser is at least an argument. A guy directly being a decade older than her is OBVIOUS.
I'm trying to give the benefit of the doubt, but this kind of stuff is obvious. It's like a woman dating a guy who went to jail for beating his wife, and then being surprised that he's abusive.
> that doesnt mean all women are like this and i could probably find one irl that isnt if i spent time trying
What if you couldn't find even one? What if you kept looking for examples of women being Good, but you couldn't find them? Cause that's my perspective right now. Every time I see a woman, it's a matter of time before she's retarded. Shitty attitudes, narcissism, manipulation.
Again, people can call me a "misogynist", but all I'm doing is responding to the average woman's behavior.
I'd be happy to change my mind on women, but I need to see women actually being Good.
> why do you think these girls turn to 4chan and other sites to talk to people. its definitely not because they're succeeding socially irl.
My guess is that they have some level of low self esteem, and are looking for communities that match how they feel.
However, this is all in their heads. It's not the case that people IRL are actively pushing them away, it's their own mental issues that result in them REFUSING to interact with people IRL.
The doors are open for them, they themselves just don't want to walk through.
> whos gonna pick kennedis partner? her dad who abused her in the first place?
Yeah, good point. The dad would normally be the go-to, but not in this situation.
I don't know who should do it, but considering how retarded women can be when it comes to picking a partner, maybe those women shouldn't pick.
Am I really in the wrong for saying maybe women who constantly chase wife beaters, or women who are single moms of 5, are pretty fucking bad at picking partners?
> anything i say is just going to be unquantifiable interpersonal stuff that you arent gonna care about
No, no. Don't chicken out. You made a claim, now back it up.
> really hoping you come around on the fact that kennedis relationship decisions as an asocial abused teen probably isnt deserving of much criticism
I mean, I can understand her having issues and how that can lead to bad choices, and those bad choices should still be criticized.
But I mean a criticism in a constructive sense, not a hateful one.
I just find it stupid and self-destructive for women to date abusive people, so I'd like to encourage them to not do that. Again, it sounds like I'm on the womens' side here.
> 16 yo kennedi was at fault for picking the guy. also how is it obvious?
If you are 16 and a 26yo starts showing interest in you, that's a HUUUUGE red flag. Isn't that obvious?
Have people not heard of "age appropriate relationships"? "stranger danger"?
Either I'm a 900 IQ super genius, or people are lacking common sense. Cause this shit is pretty obvious to me.