Marky got really into ball joint dolls a couple years ago and I guess befriended people in that hobby community. Surprise surprise, a man obsessed with dolls with bodies of children is a pedophile. Willing to bet Marky still talks to this guy. 

To the woman/girl posting here about this weird guy, I'm sorry you're going through this. Believe me when I say it's a GOOD THING you have learned all of this about this guy. Better now than finding out down the road when you're even more attached to him. I'm sorry you had such strong feelings for someone like that, but now you are free and can heal. And even better, now you can be able to recognize red flags in bad guys more easily. And like others said DO NOT talk to people from image boards to try to date them. Never ever. 

People like this Nick guy don't change. You can't change your sexuality. Don't let anyone lie to you to string you along for more attention, affection, or sex.