Marky seems to be someone who he very much adores and likes and he talked a few times about his happy/good interactions with her which I can't deny felt a bit jelly but that's normal for a girlfriend to feel especially an insecure one. I hope there's people in this world that could talk some sense into Nick to stop with the crap and go back to how he used to be. I have failed to do this after many talks, begs and pleases. But by now all this text I've typed people here must realize I'm quite an obnoxious person who nobody could really fall in love for and why Nick choose this obsession over me and our relationship, meeting up.

But if someone else could change his mind that would be truly amazing because he was a very sweet kind guy to me most of the times in our voice and video calls and chatting but maybe the thc weed delta 8 gummies did completely fry his brain and are the cause why he got deeper into hebephillic and child stuff. And hedonistic, I do what's fun and I don't care mindset lifestyle. I didn't like our voicecalls when he was really high on delta. 

Sorry for hijacking this thread into relationship troubles I had between him and me nobody really cares for but I feel like maybe this will convince him or someone that knows him could reach out to him that used to be his friend. He's blocked me on everything and we never had a final call and broke up through via e-mail/4chan. I don't think he will ever care for me again "the psychotic bitch". Sorry if this post is against this place's rules. Ban delete it all if that is the case.