Please there must be way. please please please. He has very much adoration for Marky I think or someone here who used to know him in these egirl communities could talk with him? Someone that could talk to him and convince him to quit this all and stick to adult and distance from pedo crap and social media girls addiction. There has to be way I'm willing to pay even part of my salary for this to work. I told him I could send him a few hundred euros a month but he didn't went in on it but this offer still stands if he is reading this and needs motivation to quit this all. 

please nick stop with it all, distance yourself from it. just look at the images of your own childhood of you in the teenage ninja mutant turtles. why do these evil things of sexualizing too realistic children, preteens and young teen? why why why?? Please go back to how you were in March, please please Nick.