Having someone talk to him is probably not going to change anything, he already knows what he's doing is wrong. If he's going to stop that's a decision he needs to make for himself, if he seriously wants to. Though it will not be easy, and the interest will likely always remain even if he's not acting on it, since the paraphilia is completely ingrained in him at this point through his consistent and long-term reinforcement of it. It may actually not be possible for him to completely get over it at this point. He needs professional help though considering the nature of his compulsion that's probably not easily obtained, and I can empathize with him in that regard.

You sound like you've done about as much as you can for him at this point, if he doesn't want to change, if he doesn't even want to make a serious attempt, there's not really anything else you can do. He's made his choice, he chose this over you. For your own sake you need to work on moving on.