You explicitly mentioned the possibility of posting things that could be 'used against her', including her school and place of employment. Those were your words. Seems pretty clear what the intention was. Engaging in or promoting real world harassment, or any other form of illegal activity, or posting content that will enable or incite others to do so, or could be interpreted in such a way, is not allowed. This stands whether the information is public or not.
As to the comparison to how content regarding Kennedi is moderated, as far as I'm aware this girl did not intentionally share her full name, and there is a distinction there, one that has been made on this board in the past. The situations are not the same and so they will be moderated differently with regard to the level of personal information that will be allowed to be posted. 
And, by the way, it would still not be allowed to post Kennedi's place of employment, if she had one, or to encourage actual harassment of her.