Yeah, a group of people called blogchat. I know for a fact she very rarely posted on 4chan, but the height of her posting was at ages 12 and 13. She said she would get scared by something disturbing she saw and stop lurking for months before visiting again before getting scared off another time. She didn’t have internet access at home for most of her teen years and her only social interaction came from texting her internet friends and using tumblr and deviantart while at school. Most chan culture influence just came from her friends she hasn’t been in contact with for ages, Gilbert being an example (look at how awkward and nonsensical the references she tried to make in those screenshots are) along with blogchat which came later on when she was like  15. It was a chat filled with /mu/ oldfags she got added to on facebook. With that said, the only confirmed times she’s posted have been her defending her friends and one time she asked for like  an energy reading on /x/ when she was 15, unless that was Gilbert using her name.