Anyone who wants to create a youtube backup channel like threemilk but with all marky's content?

As far as I know there is one (Mir archive), but it is incomplete and only has a few streams/videos. We can make better than that if everyone contributes what they have.
I can provide:
> all her playlists/videos from her main channel ripped with yt-dlp. Description, date, etc should be embedded in the metadata, so every video could be reuploaded and tagged correctly.
> the last 2 streams and 16 mins of json chatlog from the second one.
> full rip of her secret youtube account where she continued uploading music after selling her main one (it only had 2 subscribers, me and Nekoshelf, I suppose, so this is likely the only dump existing out there).
I'm willing to share everything if everyone pitches in with the youtube/twitch streams they have saved.
Come on guys, don't act like greedy motherfuckers and tell what you have.

I'm not sure what you mean, but I dumped some frames from both streams