1. She is very visibly in her twenties. She looks 23, but could be a couple years younger and just has a shit diet full of sneed oils and processed cheese. 
2. It’s not legally possible for someone under the age of 18 to live with their adult sexual partner, with or without permission. It would be treated as a runaway case along with the addition aspect of statutory rape. Sosa’s address, or rather his mom’s address, is public and well known. A wellness check was performed; anyone can request one and they are done within a day and confirmed over the phone without any paperwork given to the one requesting the check. What’s more likely: two lolcows with a well-known address had the cops called on them and then the cops left because Bee is an adult, or somehow everyone has been sitting on their thumbs not wanting to troll either of them whatsoever or check in on someone they think might actually be 15. 

Why continue to feed into Sosa and Bee’s weird ddlg pedo predator kidnapping fantasy? She’s an adult living with another adult and they both fetishize kidfucking. I am convinced the posts insisting she’s 15 are just Bee herself like most of the other posts itt, so this will by my only post about this.