Whether or not her parents are okay with it is completely irrelevant. It doesn't work like that.
Reports to the police of possible crimes are not "gossip" and they wouldn't be treated as such. And seriously, like the police would believe that she's his daughter? lmao. They would definitely not just take that at face value and be fine with some random underage girl residing with some guy who's clearly not related to her. And no, it would not be legal just because her mother is supposedly okay with it. No idea where you got that idea. Parents can't just send off their children to live with random men.

btw, another thing that clearly proves she's older than she says she is that she doesn't seem to have been attending any form of school or alternative educational instruction. You can not drop out at 15; Schooling is compulsory for 15 year olds everywhere in the US. If she were not attending school at that age the legal system and social services would be involved, in which case she would definitely not just be able to disappear from her home like this.