> most of them are remnants of behaviours that emerged mainly because of how powerless and subjugated women were in the past
Translation: Feminists are shitty, but that's all men's fault. How fucking typical, blaming everything on men. Women have ZERO accountability.
> women seem to be okay running to social media self-exposing how trashy and homeless they are, complaining about how useless the dude they're dating
Women are the ones picking those deadbeats. They're 100% in control and yet they always pick the WORST ones time and time again.
Honestly if fathers were picking their daughters' suitors, we wouldn't have a single mom epidemic.
> didnt pay for the first date
Strong empowered women once again expecting special treatment. Pure entitlement. Utter disgusting leech.
> blocking womens autonomy
Women are mad that they can't kill their own child lmao. And you call these fuckers oppressed? What a joke.
Hey how about using contraception and choosing a stable man to be with.
> new social mores will form that shame women
No such things will happen because women are THE most protected social group on the planet. Any criticism of women is immediately dismissed.