You're misunderstanding, I'll give you an example: I'm talking about shit like you go out to eat with a woman, and it's just straight 30+ minutes of her talking AT you, in a pure monologue. She'll get mad at you if you try to interject or have a conversation, and she'll get mad if you show ANY signs of displeasure.
That's not being a friend and listening, that's bludgeoning someone and then being offended when they resist. Not to mention how she does not give a fuck about listening to YOUR problems. It's all about her. Complete emotional tampon.
Now, if a man did that to you, you'd be extremely annoyed, and likely to not interact with that man again. But for women it's expected and tolerated. Purely due to biological programming and naive men not wanting to lose access to that woman.
Two pieces of advice, fellas: 1. If you wouldn't do it for a man, don't do it for a woman. And 2. If a woman wouldn't do it for you, don't do it for her.