Imma pop the big one: is Ken lowkey racist?

Since post-civil rights American culture (especially of the youth variety) revolves around blacks, she really has gone quite the lengths to distance herself from it. Her style; her hobbies; her taste in music, film, art and literature; the way she conducts herself, both in writing and appearance (however artificial) – there's not a hint of blackness, not even ironically. Her tumblr, the most accurate gauge of her aesthetic preferences, is completely void of African-American influences. Even her brand of absolute communism carries an undertone of "class reductionism" that minorities like to cry about.

How are race relations in NC? In reference to the BLM riots, she says that "the amount of protests and strikes bring tears of joy to my eyes", but did she march for Saint Floyd herself? Is it all part of a wider anti-Americanism and/or disgust with the world around her?