Your efforts are admirable but they're falling on deaf ears. The most crucial points to understand here is that most anons posting itt have an intense love-hate parasocial relationship with Marky, for many of which goes back a decade. Many here have spoken to her briefly, had delusions that they were closer than they were because of her seeming so open, then being shocked when she doesn't have the time, effort, patience, energy, attention-span, or interest to actually keep talking. The most obsessive, bitter orbiters are always the ones that think they actually had a chance and she ruined it. 

This is very different from lolcow.farm, even if both sites revolve around gossip. Lolcow consists mostly of bored femcels who want to gossip on their iPhones during lunchbreak. Moderation is strict, with sperging, blog/essayposting, samefagging, and alogging being against the rules and resulting in bans. Here, it's basically a schizo free for all clinging to the worst parts of r9k. It is also pretty obvious that each thread has the same handful of the most dedicated anons posting the worst shit imaginable, and these are just misanthropes who think their view of life is some holy truth. 

I'd like to believe that most people lurking don't actually want to see Marky, or any of these people, suffer forever and ever as punishment for either having had sex before or for not being the perfect angel deity or for being unstable. But I think a problem with this "culture" here of ours (of being social rejects on image boards) is that we resent people who we see as ungrateful, making all kinds of assumptions, etc. The angriest anons here always see the women in question as having lived perfect lives and chosen misery for fun. Yes, Marky is unstable and hates herself at her core and finds a sense of control in destroying her life now, but anons are delusional if they think she's thinking coherently and that this doesn't stem from being broken by trauma. Obviously it's our responsibility to not lash out at everyone when traumatized, but it's not like many of us are living much better lives than Marky.