How absolutely fucking rich to complain about someone only caring about aesthetics just to get butthurt that she doesn't like an Antonioni film, the master of hacks who put all their eggs in the basket of aesthetics. Blow Up and La Notte are alright, but the rest of his filmography is plain bad and just him jerking off. Red Desert is piss boring and people jizz their pants over the aesthetics more than anything else in the film. 
> ohh look, a woman slowly acting more and more crazy who only has like 5 lines the entire film with the rest of it being shots of factories, this is so deep and i totally don't just like this for filmbro cred. If I had to guess, the coerced sex scene at the end of the movie probably made her hate it even more than what I already said about it. I actually liked that scene the most out of every other scene in the damn movie because it shows how alienated she is more than anything else, but I understand hating it especially considering the rest of the movie fails at doing the same thing as much. 

Shite taste, you lot.