You’re retarded if you think Ken and Marky are anywhere close to being the same. Who has posted their nudes on 4chan? Who has posed nude for photographers? Who has a double digit body count? Who dates pedophiles? Who begs orbiters for money? Who posted themselves here just a few months ago? Who livestreamed themselves drunk begging for insults before going to a hospital? Who wrecked two cars in one month? Who has ruined every friendship they’ve ever had? Who fucks trannies? Who has the vocabulary of a 12 year old edge lord? Who draws little girls being fucked by old men? Who dated the owner of Masterchan? Who smokes weed all day every day and drinks themselves to death? 

Not Ken, that’s for sure. Ken’s a fruitloop but she became more stable and keeps to herself, and she’s made a good life for herself from what it seems. Friends, a support system, and she moved away from her shitty area she always hated, now completely offline. She’s never been histrionic and impulsive and reckless. Just a weirdo.