whats wrong with how I dress? i get I dress overly feminine sometimes but its cause I was a big tomboy growing up and never had major expression. on top of that i have bad body dysmorphia so i cant stand wearing loose clothes (not dysphoria which is a trans thing its just an eating disorder thing)
and yeah i just redyed my hair and im actually not as much of a fan of it. 
ive since abandoned my r9k insta for my real one and ditched that thing and honestly i cant remember the password. was on too many benzos.  

and yes its wrong since a girl can really take a hit if she panders to the type and being a tradwaifu and well you can only lose your virginity once and often these types are naive and get tricked or whatever 

good response anyway 
r u sure ur not me

anyway I miss being  a 13 year old tripfag meeting everyone like Ciara and Asteria for the first time when we had that community. but life goes on