I'm still here, thanks for the compliment :)

I was thinking about the new earth recently.
How "the wicked, forever burning in the lake of fire" is a metaphor for "leaving all the liars behind on that old earth, with no opportunity to lie to me anymore, because I'm on my throne in heaven on the new earth".

And that on the new earth, we all get to begin without being from a womb (like adam and eve did).
So we each get to say "this is exactly how I'd like my first moments in heaven to be" and "this is what I'd consider the perfect me". Our own, personal new very beginning, not even from infancy.

It's pretty cool.

And we're truly the highest, and the entire new earth is "finished", there's nothing "unfinished". All is very ready and very "per your request". Eg, you can begin life by waking in your dream house, in your bed in your bedroom, your first breath in it.

And maybe there with you in it, is who has been most special as fit for being at your left hand on your throne. And as such for your right hand, they're just beginning life too (perhaps you all live together).

And you each truly have one another as beginning heaven together, like that's who you first see, hold hands and walk with.

A perfect adventure of your choice.