In my obsession over Marky I made a bunch of art of her.
Was planning on doing animation even, but it didn't go anywhere.

The only remains of it, she has (maybe still, unsure). I didn't keep it.
I emailed her it, and she did comment on the blog, but who knows what she kept. She was asking me if I had backed up any of her yt, so i guess like me, she deleted things at random.

It was the blog "entraidux", which basically i just made to do art of her, and to get her to see it lol >.>.

This was way back.
It's only shown on Google by my post on /i/ now.

It had a treehouse, like three pieces I did of her, and other randoms.

Its name was short for "entropy maiden redux", the animation title.

I didn't keep the blog just because the name sounds Le french. I'm not french lol.