thumbnail of bacchanal2 : marc reddit comment.png
thumbnail of bacchanal2 : marc reddit comment.png
bacchanal2 : marc... png
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for those who don't want to click the link because it's reddit:


Im marc linden

I used drugs bc she was bpd i was coping with her insanity

She would send unsolicited nudes to people who gave her attention much to the dismay of the people who cared about her

She was my gf but she had a cheating problem

We loved each other a lot but we were codependent and the fact was she was not right mentally she asked me to kill her on numerous ocassions

I never sold heroin in my life

She used heroin once while in foster care with the other kids which rly pissed me off

The extent of biancas mental illness was the issue. Im betting she asked brandon for the favor of killing her. God knows she asked me several times

Her mom and dad psychologically and i believe somwhat physically didnt abuse her. They tortured her. She was broken"

i have also attached a screenshot of the removeddit version of that comment thread; the one deleted comment does intrigue me somewhat, but i think i'm diving into a sidequest here at this rate. kind of curious if anybody could get a hold of marc to talk to him about everything, but like i said before, it might be difficult to do so now.