Medoi bangs a new chad every few days while simultaneously entertaining e relationships between the loneliest people just so she can cuck and drop them the minute they do or say something she doesn’t like, even if they’re just talking to another girl. It’s known and her bf groom children to strip and self harm for them on omegle and manipulates insecure little boys into transmaxxing if they fear future inceldom. She seethes at anyone who calls her out for being an ugly substance lacking slut that took coomer photos as a kid for pedophiles and using the snapchat baby filter to give people the impression she looks younger than she really is. Ugly roastie whore had her full name leaked to r9k and other boards and she claims it was her obsessive ex boyfriend trying to rid her from posting. She larps about raping kids and pretends to care about anyone who gives her agreeable attention but once they stop she goes nuts spam pinging randoms who hate her just so she has someone to talk to or about her. Comfags inside have been putting together her total e-whore death compilation so its a matter of time.