no, what i mean is that ken was/is unable to pursue higher education and ascend to the worldly, sophisticated academic(-adjacent) middle class she clearly belongs to, based on her interests/demeanour/intellectual fancies (and there is no doubt in my mind that once "in" she'd thrive, at least socially, in such an environment). there are numerous reasons for this: too poor, too much of a hick, fucked up school, fucked up life in general, lack of intellectual rigor, mental illness, the list goes on

and since she'd (apparently) rather get on gibs or live off the kindness of gentlemen than stoop to labor, she chooses to cope with this failure by fully retreating into a fantasy world of pie-in-the-sky hippie communism, walled in her pink room with mountains of assorted trinkets, dizzy from fragrance fumes, crafting her curated e-persona with the precision of a miniaturist. an indolent revolt, in line with her almost disturbingly infantile online image/irl appearance, archetypal of the digital native

or maybe she just wants to live a quiet life close to her family, what the hell do i know. i'll let her have the last word:
> my life is relatively boring and the stories that internet men make up about me to entertain themselves are becoming even more pathetic