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> there isn't going to be anything new or interesting
The last 3 and a half threads have been filled with new and interesting things. Starting with her ex stepping forward and exposing her (after her thread had been dead for a year), which in turn led to a wave of new never before seen content being "released", like her twitter, new photos, new videos, new information and new everything. Up to a few das ago she was literally the only girl of the ones posted to this board who delivered fresh new content every single day along with the whole myriad of revelations that her ex and others leaked. If that's not "anything new or interesting" to you then I don't know what is.

> based entirely on sensationalism
Her reaction to this situation + the detailed account of everything she did and how she is confirmed all of it to be true, at least to a large extent.  Pic related was very telling in just how shook she was after her ex exposed her. She didn't deny anything and instead just try to victimize herself for the validation her twitter simps would give her instead of being critical of the situation.