The funny thing is that those other girls start getting more cautious after being discovered by the 4chan crowd. They like the attention at first and then either go full e-thot mode or shy away into oblivion.

Audrey is different, because although she did enjoy the influx of attention once she got famous on /r9k/ and then did try to leave that place behind, she never really stopped actively looking for people who lurk those places and associating with them either through 4chan itself, discord, instagram, or twitter. Hell, not even a week ago she was still catering to the whole "based tomboy appreciator" crowd on twitter, and a mere few months ago she was taking cumshots to the mouth, pegging and getting fucked in the ass by a guy she met on /soc/. So even if she didn't publicize her twitter or was a tripfag on 4chan, she never really ever stopped associating with that crowd and would rather actively seek them out by reaching out to them herself. To put things into perspective, she got famous in 2018; by 2023 she was still calling an edgy poltard her soulmate and making up all sorts of excuses for her behavior and choices, when the truth is she's simply turned on and attracted to borderline incel fuckups whom she "can fix" and when you realize the pattern of the people she befriends and dates and fucks ever since she was like 15 you'd start to understand why this is so ingrained into her nature. This is who she is, and maybe she should accept that already instead of fighting so hard to try and appear (deceive) others she's something else.