I would agree that she doesn't seem abusive if I didn't know her better. She certainly seems approachable and kind, but she is very unsympathetic and cold, and, well, there's also the thing about her sexual preferences and perversions.

She's not cold or abusive in a "mean" way, like she won't be unkind without reason and just insult you or whatever, but wbat she WILL do is not care about you, be annoyed at your emotional or personal problems and never discuss them, choose other people over you, and be aggressive when you try and let her see the dangers of some of her choices and behaviors. But her worst trait is discarding people like they're nothing, and I don't think she's just that mean, I think she literally just doesn't register other people as living human beings, so it's lol whatever to her to hurt and abandon others and this is why you'll see her "move on" so quickly, which really is just her supressing any feeling of remorse in order to not go crazy for how many times she's done it.