Apologies to the brothas in the thread in advance. I've noticed an interesting pattern lately:
> black woman has bad attitude towards a man or (black) men in general
> she's insecure\defensive and hostile towards them
> black men get tired of being treated like this and stop pursuing black women
> black women notice this, but they absolutely refuse to process that it's their fault in any way
> they start claiming it's about racism. "anti-black", "white beauty standards", it's all bullshit
They just don't get it that MAYBE it's their own individual attitude that's the problem. They'll think that they're "less desirable" because they're black, and everyone's this evil racist, when it's really because they themselves individually have a shitty attitude. Same for "being seen as masculine". Maybe you're just combative and hostile, and black men don't wanna deal with that shit anymore.
As usual, women have ZERO accountability.
This reminds me of the whole "passport bros" situation, and how white women freak the fuck out and claim men are seeking other women purely due to some kind of racism (ex. "docile asian woman") when in reality men are seeking women elsewhere due to the women's own attitudes.
Crazy how when men are rejecting women, suddenly the men are the ones with a problem. Men are always at fault, as usual.