> Can you elaborate on why you think Ken is schitzo?
It was more of a throwaway comment, since she just reminded me of my ex who would also go on and on about how nobody is helping her, but at the same time never asking for help because of how ashamed of her situation she is. Plus the mental issues on top.

I'm not a fan of diagnosing people through reddit rants, especially people who already got diagnosed by a professional with something like autism.

What I consider more likely is that trauma from abuse in your teenage years often manifests in the issues of a) not knowing who to ask for help, b) taking forever to ask for help, c) being afraid to ask for help in general... and then severe frustration when the help is not as big as you expected.
It might also lead to somebody overestimating their own situation. Like she thinks she's supposed to get a certain amount of help from the government. That's exactly what my ex expected.

On the other end of this spectrum of abused teenagers is the person who refuses even the smallest bit of help and immediately assumes anybody who wants to help them has some kind of sinister motive. That's just as unhealthy, because it leads to that person having a really hard time forming certain deep connections. I know a woman who is this way.