Protip: the only reason people care about her to the point of making these threads is because she's cute. If she was ugly no one would give a fuck. But she always gives a fake image of approachability and humbleness that couldn't be further from the truth. 

Of course she teases the easily impressionable simps everywhere with her cutesy looks and art, and finishes luring them in with her also fake tomboy persona. So for these guys it's as if she's godsent: a cute tomboy with wholesome interests who also feels sad like me??? omg omg mlady pls let me defend your honor on the internet even tho behind our backs you're taking mouthfuls of cum and taking it up the ass from some dude you met on soc you're also abusive to.

But as I said, it all stems from her looks and she knows this. Thank you for reading my journal.