thumbnail of everybodys a 10.png
thumbnail of everybodys a 10.png
everybodys a 10 png
(317.92 KB, 788x658)
I just discovered how extremely mad women get at the X/10 scale. As I understand it:
1. They absolutely hate when things aren't vague, or when they can't hide behind plausible deniability. So a numerical rating is kryponite to them.
2. They are fucking retarded, insane, and entitled, so they get pissed off at any rating that's not an 8, 9, or 10. They seem to believe that a 6 or 7 is a bad rating. Further proof that these fuckers are delusional. Do you really think it's a good idea to let individuals like this vote? It's like how "mid" became an insult, even though it just means "average".
Come to think of it, women also hate weight scales, another indicator of objectivity.