She likes to larp as redneck because she grew up and lives in the swamps of bumfuck Florida so she does have some legit claim to knowing the culture but predictably, that's a larp too. Truth is she was never brought up in it since her daddy is rich, she travels to Yurop all the time and larps as German too, coasts through life with daddy's money and her pussy, and like  >>/41332/ said she just downloaded the whole tomboy/redneck personality and incorporated it into her own very recently it seems, probably around the time she started fucking her /soc/ ex to impress him or some shit. She couldn't give a fuck about animal's panicked cries because in her fucked up brain she's a redneck and rednecks don't give a shit about that so it's all cool. So even her bravado and toughness is fake too. God this bitch pisses me off so much.