Yes, really. And I assure you I'm not exaggerating just as an excuse to attack women. I fucking WISH relationships were looksmatched.
One, someone "taking care of themselves" doesn't mean they're better looking, so women spending hours doing facials and makeup and spas etc. doesn't count. What matters is her actual looks. (And if we go by effort, men go to the gym so they instantly "win" on that front)
Two, the vast majority of people overrate women's looks and underrate men's, so that might be what's happening.
When I go outside and I see couples, I take a mental note of their "levels", and the woman is always dating up. For example, if he has a healthy weight, she's fat. If he's tall, she's average height. If he's buff, she has a healthy weight. Same goes for every other metric. The men are always at least 1-2 levels above their gfs.