> I fucking WISH relationships were looksmatched.
Your obsession with looks is incredibly unhealthy.
Maybe you should become a porn producer or something.

> Two, the vast majority of people overrate women's looks and underrate men's
Huh, that's weird, because here you/the other anon said:
> If you take, say, chico lachowski and you ask 100 women whether he is attractive or not, the vast majority of them, if not all of them, will say yes.
> This is because there some are features that are universally considered attractive and are signifiers of good gealth and high quality genes.
If men are generally rated lower, and women generally rated higher, shouldn't that just be normal, according to that other definition?
Really weird how, now that's suddenly somehow bad or incorrect, whereas just five minutes ago what the average person rates somebody was meant as a base for an "oBjEcTiVe BeAuTy RaTiNg".

Make it make sense.

> When I go outside and I see couples, I take a mental note of their "levels"
That's some insane schitzo behaviour, but oh well.

> The men are always at least 1-2 levels above their gfs.
Unironically, sounds more like you're just kinda gay. kek

NTA, but:
> (Plus the average person is probably literally too stupid to even understand what an objective average even is.)
> My subjective rating should be the gold standard... oh and ignore what I/the other Anon said before about, about us all being influenced by biological factors, because that thing doesn't apply in this case... for whatever reason.

Again, make it make sense, buddy.

> No gym woman wants an average\fat man though. Average women will barely tolerate average men
That's actually even the absolute stereotype where the woman is active and actively keeping herself skinny and the man becomes a fat slob. lmao
It's not a stereotype for no reason. The reason is because it actually exists.
Again, your assumptions are simply not based on reality.