> Your obsession with looks is incredibly unhealthy
It's not my obsession, you r*ddit 
piece of shit. It's WOMEN's. Men aren't the ones who obsess over getting a top 1% woman, and who care about shit like income and social status to a stupid degree. It's all WOMEN doing that. Men don't talk about women's cup sizes the way women talk about men's height, for example. It blows my mind how women force this retardation on men, and simps view it as men initiating it. In these morons' minds, women are never at fault for anything, and everything bad must be blamed on the nearest man.
> shouldn't that just be normal
No, that's not how it works. People being fucking stupid and giving out wrong ratings doesn't change the objective measurement. 100% of the planet could rate an obese woman as a 10/10, and it would still not make it true. But I guarantee you that group mentality NPCs will not understand this concept. To them, what the social group says is what's true, period. You're the type of fucking idiot who's indirectly perfectly fine with economic price gouging.
See, this is why voting doesn't work. The People in general are fucking retarded and don't understand basic shit, and will make the wrong choices over and over again 99% of the time and not learn a single fucking thing.
> that thing doesn't apply in this case
It doesn't apply because it's an OBJECTIVE rating. You don't understand. People with triple digit IQs are able to put aside their personal preferences and biases and look at things OBJECTIVELY. Again my point is proven that people are literally too stupid to understand basic shit like averages or objectivity.
> where the woman is active and actively keeping herself skinny and the man becomes a fat slob
It always blows my mind when r*ddit retards describe something that's the COMPLETE opposite of reality. Where the flying fuck are these athletic women who go for fat men? And don't you even fucking dare bring up fictional examples like Homer Simpson or Peter Griffin. In reality, it's gym guys who go after fat chicks. You're fucking insane. Absolutely delusional.
> your assumptions are simply not based on reality
The fucking irony of a delusional person who doesn't understand the difference between "subjective" and "objective", telling me that what I'm saying isn't based on reality. You are not even mentally capable of understanding how stupid you're being.
> obsession
> incredibly unhealthy
> Really weird
> suddenly somehow
> oBjEcTiVe BeAuTy RaTiNg
> Make it make sense
> but oh well
> Again, make it make sense, buddy.
> your assumptions
Please eat shit and go back to r*ddit\twitter.