I personally don't blame women for being chadsexual, that's why I can even sympathize with Kennedi as she tries to grapple with her chadsexuality.

What I blame is SOYCIETY for blowing the smoke up my ass my all life. What I blame is my mother and father who were bluepilling me from the young age because they themselves got bluepilled form the young age. This is a fucking GENERATIONAL thing. It goes back millenniums.

The simple truth that I wish someone had told me much earlier is: We live in a society that is built upon sexual division of labor - men work and die, women give birth and raise the children. THAT'S ALL. NOT THAT HARD, IS IT? Just tell me this, and not your fucking bluepilled muh personality there is someone out there for you BULLSHIT.

But then again, if you tell men the truth, and PROVE it to them, then our soyciety might collapse.