I have a problem with that because it takes away all accountability from women.
Why is it that women get this special treatment where they can be pieces of shit, and people just shrug and go "Welp it's their instinct what can you do lol".
Every living being has some kind of biological programming, but some of them are able to have some self awareness and control over it. So why is it apparently asking too much to get women to do it?
I want either 1) a solution that could be said\applied equally to both men and women, and that doesn't just put all the blame on men, or 2) I want people to start openly saying that, since women can't control their biology, that they should be treated like lesser beings. No, really. If someone is gonna make that point, I want them to look me in the eye and have the balls to tell me the logical next step of that argument, that women are not equals.