lol and buckle up for what's coming, son. Pretty much everyone thought of her exactly as what you said, a cute, innocent, autistic girl with cool hobbies and interests, until some aboslute fucking bombshell of a turd hit the fan and exposed her for who she really was all along. As much as I wanna hate her ex boyfriend, truth is he did nothing but expose her degenerate and deviant ways in a way nobod could have imagined. She sought it all herself, she actually did all the shit she is accused of doing which have reduced her into nothing more than a degenerate slut, she is not free of blame... and that's what hurts and fucks up the brain the most I think. Because I also was someone who thought she was different and somebody worth looking up to. I guess the smoking gun to this whole situation is her reaction to it all and how much dirt and shit she knows is in her hands to the point that she cant possibly deny it. It is all so fucked up it's unreal. SO I guess I undrstand what you say about how wild all of this shit is.