Shoujo manga is complete shit. It's ALWAYS the exact same formula.
> unattractive/plain, clumsy, shy, insecure, useless female MC
> if it's outside of school, she has some mundane busywork office job
> the #1 hottest guy around, who gets the attention of all the women, SOMEHOW only has eyes for the retarded MC
> but UH OH, now the #2 hottest guy shows up, and ALSO only has eyes for her
> who will she choose????????????
> one guy is rough with dark hair, the other is a blond prettyboy
> various moments of retarded woman logic, where she self-destructs the relationship(s) FOR NO REASON
> rude popular "bitch" female bully character, who later gets humiliated
> female friend character who blindly supports the MC no matter what
> a LOT of fucking talking, and drama\contrived issues
You'll notice this pattern EVERYWHERE in media made for women. (Twilight, 50 Shades Of Gray, Ugly Betty, Bridget Jones's Diary, Pride And Prejudice, Hunger Games).
Anyway, what really triggered this autistic rant is women brainstorming reasons why men don't like shoujo. They don't understand the concept of being wrong, so they'll think of every reason EXCEPT the truth. For example, that men don't like it because:
> because things for women are automatically considered bad
Again this is like the black women thing. They think that shoujo is criticized because women like it, but it's actually because it's just BAD. There is no bigotry here, it's just their lack of merit. Notice the low IQ trait of not understanding cause and effect.
It doesn't even occur to them that people simply dislike shoujo. No, no, it MUST be some kind of bigotry
> because it's not aimed at men, so they don't read it
Again a low IQ trait. This "railroad" mindset where if it's not aimed at you, you can't watch it. And the solipsism to assume men think the way women do.
When women fuck up, their first thoughts aren't "What did I do wrong?", but rather "Who exactly is trying to oppress me?".
Do you seriously want these things voting or having any real power in society? They can't even fucking CLOTHE themselves properly.