Ah, i admit that im using the term skinwalking in a sorta personal definition kinda way, just pretending to be some other person online i meant. 
Of course catfishing is usually seen as a very negative term since its a pretty predatory way of scamming/fucking with people. I donĀ“t know if i even get any kind of gratifiction of what i do besides the sense of curiosity of how it feels from an egirls perspective, and despite the fact what im doing could be reasoned as pretty fucked up i feel like theres lines im not willing to cross despite my fixation (Interacting with them directly,Scamming people using thier image) Mind you, i have fairly low opinions on the egirls i follow so i wouldnt say those moral lines are simping for them.. Just simple self preservation. Yknow what i thought of as stupid way of making content though? Taking posts and replies from maybe here/2chen/R9k of and making a sorta "Egirl thread simulator" and seeing how i fast i could get banned off a site like tiktok lmao